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Friday, July 22, 2011


yoU CAnnOt rUn.

YoU canNOt hIDe

EvvERyWHere yOU RUn.


I wIll FOllow.

i wiLL WaTch


UnTiL YOu deCIde tO SuBMit...



i WiLL bE HerE


i'M nOT GoiNG anYWherE


I saw him. I saw the creature.

Outside. Outside my window. Last night.

He wasn't moving. He was just standing there. Motionless.

He was looking at me. Not my house. Not my room.


I don't even know whether to call him a "him" or an "it". He's not human. Not at all.

This wasn't the first time that I saw "him". I don't remember if it's the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, or what.

I need to get out of the house. Get out of town. Away from here.

I'm going to be leaving for a long time. Don't know when I'll be back, but I will.

See ya'll later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I think all of the Marble Hornets videos are starting to affect my brain in an odd way. I had the most terrifying dream last night. I had dream that I was with Zach and we were out in the woods in the middle of the night playing paintball like we used to when we were younger. After a little while, I run up to Zach and start a conversation with him. This is what I remember from the dream:

Me: Dude, did I get you in the back? Haha.

Zach: Yeah, haha, nice shot. Did I get you in the face?

Me: Yes. You did. Haha.

Zach: Sorry 'bout that, bro. Haha.

Me: No worries, dude. Hey, when should we start heading home?

Zach: Uhhh, I'm not sure what time is it?

Me: I don't know. You're the one with the watch. Haha

Zach: Oh, yeah. Haha it's half past fi--

Zach's sentence was cut short after he started having a random coughing fit.

Me: Whoa. Are you okay? 

Zach: *coughs* Y--Yeah... *cough*

Me: No you're not. We need to go home. C'mon.

We started walking through the woods, but the woods never seemed to have an ending point. Either we were going in circles or the woods were endless. I remember the woods being only a few acres in size, but we had walked for much more than that.

Zach was following me from behind.

Me: Dude, how far out did we walk when we came out here? We should have hit the street near your house by now.

No response from Zach. I look back and Zach isn't there. But the thing I saw made my heart stop...

I saw the creature from the videos. Staring at me. Without movement.

My vision started to blur, my heart started to race beyond any speed that I recall ever having before, and my movement became increasingly stiff. Then a coughing fit much worse than Zach's overcame me. After that, I fell to the ground and didn't move.

Then, I woke up sweating profusely. I honestly felt like crying, but I refused to.

I think I need to stop watching these videos for a while.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Connecting the Dots

Due to some family issues, I had to be out of town for the last few days and was not able to blog until now. Now that everything is back to normal, I'm going to get back to the issues at hand.

I researched the YouTube series Marble Hornets and found some interesting things. After watching about 30 videos from this series, I can see why Zach would have felt quite paranoid at night. This series, I would imagine, just has that affect on its viewers; it's relatively entertaining in many ways.

The one thing that caught my attention the most was the creature that has appeared in many of the videos. It looked extremely similar to the creature in the drawings that I posted earlier...

Here's a few screenshots from a few of the videos:

Is it possible that the creature in the videos are connected to Zach's disappearance?

I'm going to investigate this more and find out more about this.

Personally I'm having a hard time believing that this creature is real in any way, but there is something making me believe that it is...

I'll just sleep it off and see how that goes.

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