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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three months later.

Things are... almost the same as before.

I've been doing well in school; the year's winding down a bit, caught up with some old friends, the lot. I've started taking some extra-curricular activities, like video game club at school. Who would have thought that some of these kids at my school still play games from the 90's and back? Oh, the countless rounds of Shaq-Fu that we played.

Through all of this, two things have struck my curiosity:

For one, I've noticed the initials Q.Z. to be recurring. I first saw these initials on the butterfly knife that was lying next to me in the sewer, and I've seen it written in several places around my school, including the single-stall bathrooms, lightly written in pencil and in very minuscule areas. I'm holding onto that knife just in case.

Secondly, I've noticed my friends are a bit more distant from me since I've come home. Maybe they're just feeling a bit weird having me just pop back into their lives after nearly a year with no explanation as to what had happened to me? I don't know. It just feels like they're not around as much anymore.

I will update this blog with more details of what things happen around here that are worth documenting. But for now, I need to get back to homework.



  1. Are you sure its your friends that are becoming distant, and not you?

    In a situation like this, a very familiar situation which a lot of people go trough these days, those people don't even notice how tangled up they get in this "Game".

    Welcome to hell kid, hope you survive for a longer time than John did.

    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. I don't know. It might be me. I've been trying so hard to get a hold of my friends for the past few weeks, though.

      Thanks? I guess? It pretty much does feel like Hell.
